Wings For Wishes Academy

Dan Silberberg

M.S. Leadership & Coaching

A seasoned professional with over 40 years of experience, Dan Silberberg is a visionary thought leader who combines business expertise with a profound commitment to personal transformation and leadership development. In addition to a background as a CEO, Dan was trained in the McKinsey methodologies and was a Partner at A.T.Kearney. He possesses an exceptional track record in driving exponential growth and optimized operating performance, elevating businesses from $7 to $400 million, launching 5 start-ups, and a technology background with EDS & Oracle, where he was a managing director.

Having extensively studied the great thinkers, Dan has a Masters Degree in Leadership and Coaching. He has been involved in personal growth and development for the past 40 years and worked with more than 20,000 participants. Well-versed in social – emotional intelligence, the psychologists, attachment theory, transformational education principles, humanism, existential principles, and neuroscience, he is committed to finding the inner side of genius in each of us.

Dan’s mission is to train the next generation of leaders, tapping into a $60 billion market.,

Embracing the concept of “Entelechy” his aim is to unleash the human potential within leaders and individuals, guiding them to lead authentically and embodying their inner genius. Dan challenges institutional nrms and empowers individuals to design the life they deserve in all aspects. Unleashing the diving genius within is a right