Wings For Wishes Academy


Transfroming Potential into Possibilities....
Building Character for Healthy Life Choices

Don’t leave a child’s health, happiness and success to chance! Discover how this interactive, values-based character building program, I Believe I Can Fly!, will facilitate healthy life choices, develop problem solving skills, and instill hope and a positive belief system to increase self esteem.
Learning integrity and “doing the right thing” is a behavioral habit that must be instilled in the implicit memory system at a young age. By integrating neuroscientific, brain-based principles into this empowering program, children discover their inner genius and talents that are then manifested by a series of guided imagery exercises. Ignite the psychological triggers for greatness.

This program is about conscious choice and instilling the right message, at the right time for RIGHT THINKING. It promises to transform a child’s potential into endless possibilities.

Train the Trainer

All the programs for early childhood development and K-12 have training and coaching programs to ensure effective implementation. They are offered virtually and in person. They are customized to the varying needs of the organization.

Programs include the following:

I Believe I Can Fly! Ages 3-9

This program is a Done-For-You program with guidelines and can be successfully implemented with or without training. The magic of the mind in this program is revealed in the TEDx Talk Brain Fitness for Kids: Cloning the DNA of Einstein.

Bullyproof Your Classroom

This one-day seminar on bullying provides strategies for the targeted, the bully, the bystander, teachers, and parents.  It provides

All the keynotes and seminars listed under Programs are presented upon request and address mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, suicide, and addictions, including the digital dopamine epidemic and post-covid trauma. 

MindShift: Flying High…Rising Above Ages 10-18

This program teaches mindset mastery tools derived from neuroscience and positive psychology to create a positive system that activates neurochemical circuits in the brain that make success a habit. The program is taught directly to students and/or teachers. 

Who We Serve


How to Raise a Remarkable Kid

Our parenting programs provide support and guidance in behavior management where a child becomes self-motivated and independent.


Role Models and Influencers

Our Train the Trainer programs provide mindset mastery and experiential learning tools that create a supportive and compassionate classroom.


Flying High to Rise Above

With brain training and positive psychology teens upgrade their mental software to optimize their thinking, make better decisions and develop healthy life habits.


Creating Caring Communities

Our community outreach includes collaboration with after-school programs, mentorships, summer camps and recreational activities as well as children who are hospitalized and neurodiverse.